
Air Fryer vs Deep Fryer


Being in the kitchen all day can make you either exhausted and depressed or vigorous and joyful – and it all depends on the kitchen appliances that you choose for your kitchen. Some of them require extra effort while some just require turning them on and they will to the whole work. However, when it comes to fryers, there are two dominant options which both have good and bad sides and both can make your day in a kitchen if you know how to use them properly. So, what kind of fryer is the right one for you? Should you choose the deep fryer or the air fryer?

First of all – know the difference!

The deep fryer got its name because of the process that takes place when you want to fry something. In order to fry your food, you need to put it deep into the heating oil which was previously heated by the fryer. This kind of fryer is very common in the restaurants and fast food places but has also become available for ordinary homes.

On the other hand, air fryer works by heating air which circles in the fryer thus using a lot less oil in order to fry the food. It is a new technology which has become quite popular in the world recently due to the rise of health issues connected with obesity.

However, it does not necessarily mean that the air fryer is the better option and we will discuss that in the following paragraph.

Is air fryer really healthier than deep fryer?

The plain truth about them is – neither is healthy, it is simply a matter of choice to eat the food prepared by frying.  However, air fried does indeed use up to 80% less oil in order to fry the food, but there are people who claim that if they decide to eat fried food they want to enjoy all of it, which means all the 100% of oil used which indeed adds a bit more taste to it.

Therefore, should you want to enjoy the full taste of fried food, you should definitely choose deep fryer and if you like fried food and want to remain healthy, air fryer is the best option for you.

What are the capacities for cooking of these two fryers and which one wins this round?

Well, it is all a matter of perspective – air fryers are far smaller than deep fryers simply due to the fact that they do not require excessive amount of oil in order to fry. However, this also means that air fryers can take up much smaller portions than their enemy.

Therefore, if the goal of your purchase is to fit the fryer in a small area in the kitchen, then you should definitely choose air fryer. However, if you have a lot of space and want to prepare big amounts of food for you and your family, deep fryer is the right choice.

Which one is better when it comes to features?

As a matter of fact, this is the one point where they are best friends and get along very well. Both fryers have user-friendly interfaces and different controls such as control for temperature. Furthermore, both fryers have digital displays (the newer models) which also have similar options on them.

Apart from this technical part, when purchasing both air fryers and deep fryers you get all the necessary equipment for cleaning the fryer and even the book of recipes for food that might taste really good if prepared by the chosen fryer.

The big plus for both fryers as well is the fact that they can have digital countdowns which will turn them off automatically if you are a type of person that often forgets that the meal is being prepared.

So what’s the matter with smell anyways?

There are two types of people in this world – those who love the smell of food being fried and those who don’t. If you think you belong to the former, deep fryer may be the better choice since the amount of oil that it uses tends to spread throughout the home and stay there for a while. Mind you, it sometimes can be unpleasant if you are preparing a dinner for guests and the smell remains throughout the whole evening. On the other hand, if you begin to the latter, you should definitely consider buying air fryer since the amount of smell that it gives off is minimal and will probably not spread all over.

And the most important question of all – how much?

Well, the air fryer is definitely the more expensive one due to the fact that the new kind of air streaming technology is implemented and it is, in fact, that technology that makes it expensive. A typical price for air fryers ranges from $100 – $200.

Deep fryers might be bigger and seem like an expensive option but it is definitely not. Deep fryer contains components which are not very pricy at first and that is the reason why its price ranges from $50 – $100. As a matter of fact, the older models can be found for even less than $50; however, they might not contain all the fancy components that I had listed above.

To sum up, both deep fryer and air fryer have pros and cons and I must decide that the winner is the one that suits you more when the fact that I had mentioned are taken into account. So when choosing the right fryer for you, you should ask yourself the following questions

  • How much do I want to spend?
  • Do I like my food greasy or do I prefer healthier food?
  • Do I enjoy the smell of food frying?
  • Am I responsible enough and can always remember when to turn off the fryer?
  • How much space do I have in my kitchen to fit the newly bought appliance?

After this has been sorted out, the shopping may begin. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,,,,,,,